Imagine: Everything in your life is conspiring to help you. Wouldn't that be a wonderful perspective to have? If you do not already, play a game with yourself and pretend this is true, even if just for a few moments, perhaps while you do your conscious breathing exercises.
Ask yourself: What will I do next? What am I going to create next? What have I always wanted to do, but perhaps felt blocked or stopped by some-thing or some-one? What if all those blocks are removed, then what? Have you ever wondered about these things? If not, then perhaps it's time. Thought for today: ~ Be The Legend or The Super Hero of (and in) your own mind. Why give that role to someone else? ~ They say: 'Your Lessons Are Your Blessings' and that's definitely a POV that needs to be developed over time. I for One, have seen just about enough of it to know this IS a very true statement, not just a POV. Although super challenging as it may be; never-the-less, this forges a strength in you during great times of challenge, which then allows the larger insights and ultimately, healing through reconnection, to occur... which is needed by every One.
I'm STILL getting hit with painful challenges from every angle, it seems... Indeed this is not all hype and pipe... A portion of my Lifes' Work has been tampered with, again! This time its on Rumble. The platform that supposedly doesn't censor. If you've gone through your personal Ascension Maps journey then you know what you know, now.... but you also know I offer that information
1/16/2025 A Fresh Memory from the Future MissionThe time for Humanity to evolve past discrimination is knocking at your front and back doors. You have no escape, if you are guilty. You have no where to hide. You can't un-hear, un-see or un-learn any of it and if your final card to play is denial, then remember, it's very VERY long river (circa 26K years or so, give or take...).
Good luck with that! Follow my YouTube channel - Lynda Light - for date announcements. Or Follow my Rumble channel where SWS Podcast will be hosted again - same name, Lynda Light (2 words).
3/26/2024 STORE SUSPENDED!Our Cafepress, print-on-demand store has been open since March 2004. This original, Teach Peace store opened with Cafepress has been quite an interesting 20-year ride.
Our relationship began and continued with a need to make money, but never at the expense of others; that's a long story that goes with the creation of this store. We always seems to have what's needed; as you know, that can be different than what you want.... perhaps knowing the difference is born out of a need. I have what I need most times and oftentimes, balancing the ability to exist in both the spiritual and the material worlds I also, see clearly the need for people to be able to get something inspiring, something of a lost teaching already within yourself, soul food or something that just wasn't out of most peoples reach financially... I get it. Trust me, I get it. 3/2/2024 The BeginningGreetings ALL Beings capable of receiving intelligence through Divine Light of our One True Creator, God, Source of ALL...
OK... We have ALL been lied to... AGREED? 2/25/2024 The Tide Has Already TurnedThank you for being here. Thank you for showing up, as your authentic self. You made it!
The tide that has turned, the Shift of the Ages, the Great Pole Shift, the Procession of the Equinoxes, the New Age of Aquarius, the Heaven on Earth... and OH so many other names we give to the next cycle, section or division of time as you know it... it's here, now! Its time to celebrate because the "Playing Field" is now REVERSED! REJOICE! This is not the one-off a lot of you are waiting, hoping and praying for, but rather... 12/9/2023 December 09th, 2023Now is the time for all good Souls to remember Who you are.
You are not, every-thing but Love. You do NOT control other people. Force over Others WILL STOP. Power over others WILL STOP. Full Stop. 12/9/2023 Another One... YouTube AGAIN!CENSORSHIP IS REAL!It was recently brought to my attention there are many, still, who don't believe massive censorship is really happening. I am here to be a living example of such things... On December 6, 2023, YouTube took down another video that was uploaded from waaay back in March 2020!!!
MY APPEAL WAS REJECTED ! It was said I was 'inciting or glorifying violence' with 'harmful conspiracy theories'. WHAT?!! It's (almost) laughable! I live, breathe and take actions in alignment with my Soul {and IT's Truth}; and my brand says all I need to say about that! Do you understand we are in a war - of information? Organic light IS also, information. Don't you see? The battle for your Soul is wildly deceptive. (Side Note: The now deleted by YouTube video, talked about the war we are in... and the overall message was to stay in your heart centers and be the peace and the change you want to see. ) Perhaps that video will resurface somewhere else one day... We shall see! You may not want to hear or read this... but our new world isn't just for the goodie-two-shoes or some 'fluff and stuff' propaganda meant to distract you from the 'real' world... But I ask you this: What is the Real World? What is your definition; and does that make you more right than anyone else?...
Keep Reading... CLICK HERE to check out the Earth Treasures that are my Harvest to share with everyone! There is one batch listed right now, so you can get an advanced look. At least 5 more batches will be added, perhaps more... over the weekend! Please follow the instructions if your want to secure a certain piece. ALL are one-of-a-kind ;)
I’m working super hard to bring you some really awesome pieces that go beyond the 3rd dimensional frequencies! My Earth Treasures will be available during the big Autumn blowout sale! I hope you’ll stop back mid October to check it out! Check out a few samples batches…CLICK HERE for sample batches7/14/2023 FREE QUANTUM GIFTS For Humanity!!There are several awesome, and spiritually comprehensive projects that have just been released to everyone as: Gifts For Humanity and they will continue to be available in the WELCOME area of the NEW Quantum Library!GIFTS FOR HUMANITY ARE
FREE FOR EVERYONE! Spread the word by sharing the entrance space with others... If you're guided, you can also get your Lifetime all-access PASS for a small, one-time energy exchange to the VERY FIRST, QUANTUM LIBRARY ! Click on Quantum Library to learn more about all the resources contained in this wonderful NEW Quantum Space created just for YOU! COME and Join in, you'll be among the very first to gain access to this sacred, quantum and holy space.
7/2/2023 UpdateWELCOME BACK! I know it's been a minute since my last update or post; and I wanted to get this out sooner, but the Universe had some other major plans.
It's super exciting to announce that my third book, Ascension Map is coming out in May! This entire project is evolving super fast at lightning speed! Click here to get the PDF before the book comes out!
Phase I of Ascension Maps is now complete! You can begin your personal Soul journey over at AscensionMaps.com anytime. This project is being offered as a gift for humanity and was a labor of love just for you! Read more about it...
3/3/2023 A MAJOR Shift on the GridsIf you follow along with any of my works and teachings (through articles, podcasts, books, courses, videos etc.) then you know I'm a grid worker (among other planetary missions in this life). I don't post every time there is a shift; HOWEVER, last night something happened that I've never felt before quite in this way. Let me explain...
The Halls of Abundance are now OPEN! The Halls of Abundance open after passing through 'the passage of tests' after the Halls of Amenti open; and after passing all tests. Just one human needs to pass from the holy bloodline. The cave-like tunnel area is wide enough for several people to walk side-by-side, and long enough that you can see both ends clearly and the light is so bright, it’s warm and hot almost….
Thank you all for being part of my journey. As we know, when one door closes, or chapter ends, or cycles close; there's always a new day, a window open, a new book to begin or different cycles begins.
It's also known as the pregnant pause, where... 11/24/2022 A Day of Gratitude and Thanks: Every Day!Today is the day we honor giving thanks. One of my daughters was born on 11/24... It's a day to be celebrated however, are we not missing the obvious here? Celebrating gratitude EVERY DAY can become a priority for anyone seeking to elevate their knowledge and convert that into wisdom while in a human flesh suit/body.
I talk about this process of leveling up in my first book, here. The entire book was written for you, so you can see where you're at, in your ascension process, and gain valuable insights into what you may need to work on with more clarity. At times we tend to project our 'stuff' onto others we'd like to blame - rather than taking full and complete responsibility for all that has happened in our lives. If this is you, even a little, then I highly recommend this book as a starting point and a tool so you can take your empowerment back and begin to live in freedom! Just consider what if... what if you did plan your life exactly the way it is playing out... what if, indeed! 10/21/2022 Quantum Jewelry Listings LIVE NOW!I've been working really hard (well, it brings me so much joy so we can debate over whether it's really work or not...) but know this: many hours of multidimensional focus and intent were spent in the creation of these pieces. Check them out: HERE and be sure to bookmark that page because I'll be posting many more pieces: including a LOT of dangly earrings!
About the AuthorLynda's article section was created to provide insights through personal experiences to assist those who wish for more information about the Ascension process currently underway as translated through her higher self and quantum soul integration. |
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Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025 and in perpetuity.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED to the fullest extent of the Law.
Fair Use is granted permission for sharing content with others on your personal site but must include proper references or citations linking to it's creator and owner.
Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025 and in perpetuity.