You may not want to hear or read this... but our new world isn't just for the goodie-two-shoes or some 'fluff and stuff' propaganda meant to distract you from the 'real' world... But I ask you this: What is the Real World? What is your definition; and does that make you more right than anyone else?... Keep Reading... The first day of the 11/1 portal gateway day is one that has been celebrated as a new year across many cultures. I will leave you to do your own research about whatever calls to you such as Samhain or Sauin, which is 'a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. It is also the Irish language name for November.' (pronounced SAH WIN). Wikipedia. It's also a celebration of when the veils between the Worlds are thinnest... a time of birth and death. Pay close attention to your dreams now... There are many such celebrations of a new year beginning today and no coincidence with humanities synchronicities in general, we just started a new Tzolkin Galactic spin of 260 days, 12 days ago (we're still in the first of 20, 13-days wavespells in case you're wanting to follow along this time;) The Numerology and direct significance is what I'm here to talk about because this portal is the most important right now, for new energies accessible for the many on these days forward and upward. How? Personal Responsibility.... (Still here? ... Keep going...) You will and probably are, seeing both sides of literally everything heightening. This is when it's important to stay in balance because you truly ARE 'all of that'. You're in charge of all your thoughts, behaviors, decisions, actions, speech, harmonics and transmissions of energies, etc... ALL OF IT! It's time to become that. Time to become the Master within... your Soul living in your body, your own special Divinity, etc. This is time for the Masters to step forward in their own expressions of Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony... doing what you love to do and just be-ing that, at all times. Being in control of yourself also implies that you get to choose how and when to engage, or not... especially your emotional and mental bodies. This next part may very well bake your noodle so here it is anyway: You are in charge of how you feel; you get to choose the 'channel' and whether or not to engage. Ever hear the phrase, 'Choose your battles wisely'? Eventually, we learn how to end the battle of Armageddon within us... and lay down all weapons choosing peace. Your time will be your time and nobody else gets to say when that is for you - that's a matter between you and Creator. Same principle applies after you've (successfully) located your personal remote controller. Some people have never been told (or programmed) that they are in charge and they get to choose how (and when) to master their emotions. Rather, we are programmed to be (and stay) a victim of circumstances frequently repeating things ad nauseum that reinforce the victim mentality, such as, "I can't control how I feel" or "It's not my fault I feel this way..." When you're doing something you'd rather not be doing, such as: cleaning toilets, taking out the trash or other chores like keeping your space clean of garbage... sing a song in your head and see your energy body, your light body, dancing and enjoying the song you're playing in your head. Take that trash out LIKE A BOSS knowing you'll feel like you accomplished something and thereby, feeling a certain better way, then if you don't do the chore well. Only you own your personal actions and nobody else. You get to choose how you feel when you do anything and everything. See all the parasites in your life leaving in that trash bag and dissolving in an alchemical process that you created with your personal power (perhaps maybe instead of an anger or whatever rage or betrayal or whatever nasty thing you may be feeling....). Your creations can include not only healings, gratitude and such but can also be blessings via your transmissions created by you. You have that power within. You ARE THE BALANCE of all you feel. Have you forgotten> Have you forgotten? More to come. Perhaps on YouTube or Rumble, we shall see. Spirit is one with me all the time. New adventures, culminations and expressions of the divine light within me, whatever I do, it is done with care, reverence, integrity and focus of my personal energy which is priceless. I can be in 3d with you while working in multidimensional states. Those who do not yet recognize this type of 'work' are spiritual children... some even, babies! I never justify my beliefs anymore, for anyones' lack of self wisdom or even knowledge. I speak this truth with love. See not with your eyes and you shall truly see. My journey back to wholeness recently lead me to integrate more memories from significant artistic lifetimes. The memories about the lifetimes and the 3D labels of status are not as important as the remembrance of skills perhaps not yet acquired in this life. Does anyone really need to waste time re-learning something they already know? I ask you, "If you already know how to 'do' something; then why would you spend more time and energy that could be used for more important things (right now) re-learning? Why not just access those memories? And how do you 'know' if you already know something such as, from a different lifetime? And how do you access specific Soul skills? Great Question: I tell you to just try something you are called to try. You will know. You will be watching videos of whatever art expressions you Soul wants to experience... either for the first time or perhaps, something you've already done and you Soul wants you to dust yourself off and remember. You won't know until you try and you can't use the excuse that you trade your 'time for money' (working a 'job') and therefore, don't 'have time'... that excuse doesn't apply anymore and is no longer a valid argument for reasons why anyone isn't taking personal responsibility. Time IS Art! People ALWAYS make time for the things they want to do. PERIOD. Ask yourself, do you watch TV everyday? You have time. I make myself available to assist my mother whenever she needs me. I am her caretaker. I am lucky to be able to spend good time with her and have enough free or spare time to explore my Soul's desires. Such as art in it's various forms. Everyone who has a soul has an inner artist: I don't care what you say, it's true. A job is only one way to work. Your time in exchange for money. Let me say this: The Artist isn't here to fit into the definition of what a 'job' is... they are here for a 'job' that's a Mission. When you begin to innerstand that then you are in alignment with your own personal Soul, your Divinity within. Then you will stop judging others for their choices for experiences. If someone chooses to be in an experience that creates harm to their inner self that is not only their choice, but it is also their 'job' to learn how to empower themselves (through the experience) to then remove themselves from such harm. Everyone is capable of making a choice. Sometimes that choice is asking for help. Sometimes that choice is leaving someone you love who's hurting you. Sometimes that choice is telling your boss to stick it! Sometimes that choice is feeling the disappointments all around you because people in your life just don't get it and live by way of a Spirit-led life. Once you're comfortable with letting Spirit lead your life completely, you never doubt again. You. Just. Don't. You are all of THAT... and a bag of chips ;) I Love you ALL. Follow my Instagram: @TeachPeaceDesigns to see my latest woodworking Soul remembrances and skills. I'm working on what one supporter dubbed: My Masterpiece and she's right! Here's a pic of the progress so far and check out my Insta (link above) for more details. I Am Lynda Light LyndaLight.com Lynda Light
Visit Lynda Light to see all current Projects.
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About the AuthorLynda's article section was created to provide insights through personal experiences to assist those who wish for more information about the Ascension process currently underway as translated through her higher self and quantum soul integration. |
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Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025 and in perpetuity.