What are the Grids?
The gridwork is massive and quite a large subject matter. I decided to create a video and presentation course about the grid networks because it's that important for those who are advancing their quantum skills, to remember, know and embrace.
This is a mini stand-alone general presentation course about the grid networks.
After watching, you should have a much more detailed understanding and a wider innerstanding of what the grids are, why they are so important and perhaps a newfound interest in your own personal development so that one day, you can take full command over your own personal fields using your consciousness to effect real world changes.
Since we're all connected to the grids, it's important that you begin to comprehend how energy is transferred and travels so you can take control of your personal energy, using breathwork, your consciousness and intent. It's also important to know why the grids were set up, what they were intended for, and how you can use them for your benefit; as-well-as even greater purposes.
This 23 minute presentation is well worth your time and donation!
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