Newsletter: Trusting Your Soul: Harvest Time! Autumn Issue September 2022
September 2022
Here is your Fall'22 Newsletter and Everything Else UPDATE! I hope it finds everyone doing well. Most people with a soul have had challenging times here on Earth over the last few years or so... one way or another... Moving along...
It's my sincere wish that I can assist you: soak up some inspiration, help you back to balance, perhaps learn something new and refresh your visions or even mentor those of you who are wanting to learn more about my areas of specialties in the Quantum Fields and with the Energetic Arts.
This Newsletter is for you.
I do this work so you can stay updated on my projects, my work and mission while integrating your own personal abilities to re-member yourselves and claim your personal em-power-ment to move into your true multidimensional, organic and natural state of beingness. Sounds fancy, doesn't it?
It's not! Not really.
You are ascending. Your light is vibrating at a higher frequency. You are integrating all these lights and their codes as the impulses from the sun continue. This has been going on for some time and you have heard all this before. Only this time, you are paying close attention.
Perhaps you've heard from other sources recently, all confirming you are on the right path of learning. This is the right time for you to explore just a little deeper down that rabbit hole you've (maybe) been avoiding.
It is yet possible that you are still acting stealthy and already have your consciousness and mind systems well in order. You can already identify thought forms not created by you, and you're telepathically linked to your soul tribe, star and galactic families. Congratulations!
Now let's continue...
You can always stay up-to-date by visiting and bookmarking my LinkTree
It's my sincere wish that I can assist you: soak up some inspiration, help you back to balance, perhaps learn something new and refresh your visions or even mentor those of you who are wanting to learn more about my areas of specialties in the Quantum Fields and with the Energetic Arts.
This Newsletter is for you.
I do this work so you can stay updated on my projects, my work and mission while integrating your own personal abilities to re-member yourselves and claim your personal em-power-ment to move into your true multidimensional, organic and natural state of beingness. Sounds fancy, doesn't it?
It's not! Not really.
You are ascending. Your light is vibrating at a higher frequency. You are integrating all these lights and their codes as the impulses from the sun continue. This has been going on for some time and you have heard all this before. Only this time, you are paying close attention.
Perhaps you've heard from other sources recently, all confirming you are on the right path of learning. This is the right time for you to explore just a little deeper down that rabbit hole you've (maybe) been avoiding.
It is yet possible that you are still acting stealthy and already have your consciousness and mind systems well in order. You can already identify thought forms not created by you, and you're telepathically linked to your soul tribe, star and galactic families. Congratulations!
Now let's continue...
You can always stay up-to-date by visiting and bookmarking my LinkTree
If you feel called to help, you can support my work and mission by becoming a Patron, booking a session or making a one-time donation.
NEW! Personal Energetic Security Training Course! |
Watch this 5 minute video explaining why I created my new Security Defense Training Course for ALL levels. |
CLICK HERE to learn more about my new mini course available on-demand right now!
Disclosure is an Ongoing Process
As we hear more and more about what has been done to humanity by those who were dominating the planet, let's try to not lash out at others who perhaps tried to warn us or sound the alarm that things were just not right.
You may be upset that the wool was pulled over your eyes but that does not give you or anyone, the right to verbally harm those who were trying to warn you.
It may all be too much for you to handle so best practices are to shut your mouth and learn. This is a time for disclosure and that is happening so fast; there are many who won't be able to keep up.
If you discriminate against people who didn't think like you during the last few years, then you'll have some rectifications to do after you accept that you were throwing stones at others.
Messengers are those who have been trying to tell you the truth about what has been going on in this world. Some may have been telling you for years and yet, you still didn't trust or listen to them.
There's a brilliant saying that goes like this: "If the shoe fits, then wear it!"
When it's time to learn more truths on a global scale, you will be as ready as possible if you start taking responsibility for all that has happened in your life.
If you are truly getting your lives together and cleaning up your own personal mess not burying your head in the sand at the hurts you have caused; then you will take action.
Being a little better every day is what you do when you think 'nobody's looking'.
Behind closed doors, who are you? How do you speak to other people? How do you treat them? Do you try to communicate and unite or are you spewing poison and division? Do you feel your reality is the only true one? Are you peaceful inside; or are you at war and suffering?
It should be crystal clear by now, who is playing which roles in your lives and families.
Denying that you hurt others by: your foul words, or your discriminating actions, or your soul-crushing slander, or your misguided gossip, or your disabling gaslighting, or your crushing projections or by your flat-out compulsive and hurtful lies... makes for a very long karmic journey that only you can decide when to start self-correcting by taking actions that show you're following your Souls' guidance.
All Souls are speaking to their hosts now, during this time.
Soul is Light.
Your Soul wants you to recognize it's presence and begin to integrate it's light into your physical bodies. Your soul won't do that if you are still playing childrens' games or actively hurting others.
Trusting Your Soul is key in your Evolution and Ascension process.
Cycle 2 of Sacred Warrior Space Podcast is completely dedicated to the theme of TRUSTING YOUR SOUL and is quite well-encoded to assist you while simply listening; to unlock whatever you came here to unlock by restructuring and rebuilding your organic crystal light codes which are in the process of being repaired by Divine Providence Birthrights.
Cycle 2 of Sacred Warrior Space Podcast is completely dedicated to the theme of TRUSTING YOUR SOUL and is quite well-encoded to assist you while simply listening; to unlock whatever you came here to unlock by restructuring and rebuilding your organic crystal light codes which are in the process of being repaired by Divine Providence Birthrights.
Soul Signature Art
Encoded and Infused with Soul-Level Light Frequencies
Late Spring and early summer I brought back my soul-encoded and light-infused Energy Art Work!
My soul wants to share healing transmissions through Art at my Soul level.
The first collection available for licensing is:
The Trinity Collection
Are You Ready For Harvest ?
Sharing is Caring!
Check out the most recent articles, channelings and codes at and find all my projects listed right up top on my home page where you can click my Linktree to find all my active projects.
Most recent Sacred Warrior Space Podcast episode 18 is now available on and on my Rumble channel: Lynda Light
Lightfeather Productions is now ready to take small job requests starting at just $57 for a 15 second Ad!
Click HERE to check it out!
Lightfeather Productions is producing content for various video platforms. Mini ads, vide podcasts and intros or outros for social media content and websites.
Lightfeather Productions is now ready for it's next step offering brief services for short ads.
Featuring: Ads, Promos, Podcasts, INtros/OUTros, Events
Featuring: Ads, Promos, Podcasts, INtros/OUTros, Events
Holy Bird Tribe is running tests for forums and comms for ALL New Earth Ground Crew Leadership. Get in touch if you have a project or are interested in managing one.
Symposium for All Benevolent Races: 4 part limited mini-series is available on-demand for a small donation. ALL light codes, activations and (most) bonus offerings still available totaling over $1000 when using your special discount codes.
Land Projects: We have multiple spaces of many acres of land in several states we’re currently looking at. Our intention is to have many more so we can work on various projects at the same time. All are welcome to submit.
NOTE: If you have land and would like to create a sacred space community or perhaps donate land for a community of people who want to live in a responsible and self sustainable way, please reach out directly to Lynda here: [email protected]
Support Needed!
If you are able and wish to donate to help support this mission, there are several ways to make an exchange or offer support.
- You can purchase custom made merch by special request or order some of my personally designed merch directly from the Original Teach Peace Store, teaching peace since March 2004.
- You can purchase one of Lynda’s books available at Amazon and also listed below
- You can support the work of creating and building sustainable communities by making a donation directly on Lynda's site, link below
- You can order a personal Quantum session with a reading or a stand alone reading on Lynda’s website (personal sessions now include QSH Healing, Readings and Deeksha transmissions in every session)
- You can become a Patron for a monthly donation at your choice of 4 price points. Receive exclusive content not published anywhere else including: readings, early access, advanced notice, personal updates as-well-as immediate access to the famous Backstage PASS only $2.22 /mo for behind-the-scenes footage, bloopers, cutting room floor and other cool content, no obligations and risk free!
- You can purchase custom made merch by special request or order some of my personally designed merch directly from the Original Teach Peace Store, teaching peace since March 2004.
- You can purchase one of Lynda’s books available at Amazon and also listed below
- You can support the work of creating and building sustainable communities by making a donation directly on Lynda's site, link below
- You can order a personal Quantum session with a reading or a stand alone reading on Lynda’s website (personal sessions now include QSH Healing, Readings and Deeksha transmissions in every session)
- You can become a Patron for a monthly donation at your choice of 4 price points. Receive exclusive content not published anywhere else including: readings, early access, advanced notice, personal updates as-well-as immediate access to the famous Backstage PASS only $2.22 /mo for behind-the-scenes footage, bloopers, cutting room floor and other cool content, no obligations and risk free!
You can donate directly to Lynda here: USE THE YELLOW DONATE BUTTON
Bev M
Jeannette K
Amber L
Deena A
Jasmine L
Kristine W
Betty R
Become a Patron to get your Backstage PASS
and access to exclusive content!
* Thank you for your donations this month in loving support: Bev M, Diane G
* Monthly donation: Jeannette K
* Thank you for the exchanges: Stephany V, Bev M & Jeannette K
For everyone who’s made a purchase in the past, made a donation, is a loyal Patron or contributed in some way to help support in whatever way you do, a HUGE THANK YOU and my gratitude for you.
This is a Galactic mission and the Sacred Warrior Heart Path.
Bev M
Jeannette K
Amber L
Deena A
Jasmine L
Kristine W
Betty R
Become a Patron to get your Backstage PASS
and access to exclusive content!
* Thank you for your donations this month in loving support: Bev M, Diane G
* Monthly donation: Jeannette K
* Thank you for the exchanges: Stephany V, Bev M & Jeannette K
For everyone who’s made a purchase in the past, made a donation, is a loyal Patron or contributed in some way to help support in whatever way you do, a HUGE THANK YOU and my gratitude for you.
This is a Galactic mission and the Sacred Warrior Heart Path.
“The World may not have been ready for me, but I was ready for my mission” ~Lynda Light
I have been guided to begin my Third Book, which I have now started the process. I would love to give you a release date but I have to work on other projects at the same time. So I'll keep you posted across all my platforms... it's coming!
The 9 Chakras System Course
This course will include basic and advanced information about the 9 chakras all needed at this time in evolution.
Intermediate and Advanced Energetic Security Defense Training Course (2023)
This course will include basic and advanced information about the 9 chakras all needed at this time in evolution.
Mudra In Motion
This is a pet project and soon-to-be course of Lynda’s where she teaches how to use ancient technologies with your consciousness.
“You ARE the mudra. You are always in motion” ~Lynda
Trusting Your Soul
A story-telling project for weaving compelling visions with futuristic and alternative worlds. This is also the 'launch-pad' for our publishing and productions companies, Lightfeather Productions
If you've read either of my books would you please consider writing a review over on Amazon? It helps the algorithms. Thank you!
Teach Peace Merch
How about these BEAUTIFUL KEEPSAKE BOXES for less than $25. Every box has a specific mandela that’s infused with higher frequency codes for specific functions. These are top-notch quality! |
Last but not least for today, we have the awesome but ever-fresh, bumper stickers! Take a look - there’s MANY MORE in the store… |
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Fair Use is granted permission for sharing content with others on your personal site but must include proper references or citations linking to it's creator and owner.
Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025 and in perpetuity.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED to the fullest extent of the Law.
Fair Use is granted permission for sharing content with others on your personal site but must include proper references or citations linking to it's creator and owner.
Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025 and in perpetuity.