What is the Holy Bird Tribe: Holy Bird Tribe was a name given to me from Spirit early 2020. Several calls went throughout the entire Bird Nation for the Holy Bird Tribe:144 to assemble in Council. Additional tribe representative are gathering both physically and in digital groups. Many tribes and tribe leaders within our Great Bird Nation are represented in our Holy Bird Tribe and we are honored to be in unification and bring you our gifts through multidimensional assets and collaborations from numerous and varied modalities and ancient wisdom.
World Peace is coming and our planet WILL BE restored to it's Divine beauty with abundance and joy for all!
We have a forum (created in 2020 but put on hold) where people can connect and express themselves; get answers, ask questions, find mentors; tools for resources or anything they may need after we launch this officially for open source comms. You can register and peek around for free HERE.
Feedback is welcome!
This may not be the forum we settle on, stay tuned...
By registering on our forum you also agree to receive the quarterly Newsletter.
This may not be the forum we settle on, stay tuned...
By registering on our forum you also agree to receive the quarterly Newsletter.
Our mission is multi-purpose for which to establish true, all-purpose divine healing and creation centers. We plan to expand out simultaneously as we continue the unification process underway now. Great tribes from all around the world are gathering in beautiful expansion of consciousness as we bring our lights together and gift humanity our treasures for such purposes of teaching, healing, divine empowerment, expansion, and upliftment during this most auspicious time.
* Visions for these centers will assist many countless humans in varied situations that require assistance, education, healing, support and so much more...
* Creating multiple and unique self-sustainable communities of tiny homes and various other living environments that work in harmony and unity with the Natural World under Universal Laws.
* Continuing the education process of humanity and our upliftment through the ascension process of our light with our souls, in our bodies.
* Visions for these centers will assist many countless humans in varied situations that require assistance, education, healing, support and so much more...
* Creating multiple and unique self-sustainable communities of tiny homes and various other living environments that work in harmony and unity with the Natural World under Universal Laws.
* Continuing the education process of humanity and our upliftment through the ascension process of our light with our souls, in our bodies.
How to join us and contribute to our Mission
Join our Facebook group to get advanced notice of our live meetups so you can be part of this journey to our divine blueprints, heaven on earth, healing for humanity and so many other awesome projects yet to be announced. Holy Bird Tribe, 144
Check this webpage weekly for the most current information on our projects.
Get in touch and let us know you'd like to be on our mailing list when bigger announcements are ready!
Check this webpage weekly for the most current information on our projects.
Get in touch and let us know you'd like to be on our mailing list when bigger announcements are ready!
Artist Connie Paolino makes available prints of her stunning and magical bird paintings!
Subscribe to The EPOCH TIMES for trustworthy news reporting.
"I just love their energy! They walk in Honor!
Tell them, 'Lynda Light sent you!'"
Learn how to sign up for NESARA/GESARA and how the financial part is playing out in real time (through a class action law suit) and how this will unfold in the 3D timeline as just one small part of the financial rectifications : CLICK HERE
This is the Great Unification: Any Bird Nation tribes, tribe members or beings that resonate with our unifying vision and Projects for Humanity are warmly welcome! If you're interested in doing collab work, please reach out and share your vision.
To watch our Holy Bird Tribe Council meetings from 2020, you must be a member of our NEW Quantum Library: Click HERE to make your one-time donation for your ALL-ACCESS PASS!
To watch our 144 Round Table discussions and collective healing work, click Click HERE to make your one-time donation for your ALL-ACCESS PASS!