Not sure what's really going on? Join the club! Millions of people feel lost and confused no longer having trust in the main stream media about what's really going on in our world. We have now seen that we've all been lied to much too often and we are now at the tipping point for truth to come bursting out into the open for the entire world to see.
Does that sound scary? Well sure, it can be, if you've either done bad things you wish to remain hidden; or you've been getting your important news from main stream only for most of your life. REMEMBER: In information warfare 101 they control the information and your 'feed' was receiving unique data sets. But there's plenty to get excited about and I intend to shine some light and share some hope about what's on the horizon for all of humanity.
Discovering that you world isn't what you thought is enough to knock anyone off balance. You might even question your sanity at times. Is it even possible that you're living through some unbelievable period in time that's closer to a sci-fi movie than something you'd recognize as the Earth Time you think you know, as the world should be?
It's a valid question... Let's continue, it gets way better!!! You're not alone. But that doesn't change the fact that you're actually living through quite possibly, the single most important and auspicious time in human history! Sometimes its hard to see the forest through the trees but I'll try to shine some light, so here we go... Let's start with what our beloved country was before it got hijacked. It was a REPUBLIC. If you think it's a Democracy, then you're not alone in the 'switch and bait belief systems' and the false constructs from a group of western bankers (disguised as our government with evil forces behind them), installed. Think infiltration from within and feel free to research this extensive topic on American history. Key dates to research: 1871 (The Act of 1871 created a foreign corporation called THE UNITED STATES with their own constitution called 'CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'. The original was written 'The Constitution for the United States of America'), 1913 (the Federal Reserve Act created the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, a private bank), 1933 (when we went bankrupt and the FEDERAL RESERVE stepped in the 'help' by confiscating all our gold!) Continuing... The Pledge of Allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Ever wonder why The Pledge was taken out of the school system? Think about it. Refined as it may have been, it still says REPUBLIC (and we were not supposed to remember this key point). WHENEVER you hear a career politician saying "It's a threat to our Democracy" just remember that's GLOBALISTS speak. Our Founders never intended for us to become a democracy. We were intended to be a Republic and if you doubt my point, try replacing the word 'Republic' in the pledge with the word 'democracy' and see how sticky and uncomfortable that sounds and feels. The short cut to the good news is that we DID REMEMBER and we will never forget that we ARE A REPUBLIC owned by the people and we've already declared our INDEPENDENCE. What we need now is a RESTORATION of our independence! [Good thing we had some serious A-TEAM Patriots planning to restore our Great Nation to the ownership of the People (not the bankers and globalists) and protect our Constitution. Don't think for a second they didn't have to refine their plans or that it wasn't an ongoing effort... ] To start your journey further into truth, check this out... Here's a great place to start by watching a 5 minute video of President John F. Kennedy warning us about secret societies and other covert groups about a threat to infiltrate the United States at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City on April 27, 1961. He was pleading with the press to fully inform the American people about these threats and to hold him fully accountable... What an amazing President! Click HERE to watch on YouTube or watch below.
So we had a Declaration of Independence (re) signing (independence from the illegal government corporation or whom or what ever they are beholden to... ) on July 4, 2020 and the 3rd Continental Congress on July 5th and 6th of 2021.
We still need to have a Constitutional Congress and Court so we can establish representatives and councils that are truly of the People, by the People and For the People... and we WILL... We also have a need for a Declaration of Restoration so we can reclaim everything the Western Bankers stole from us, the American People. This is something you can sign and get involved in immediately. This is a call to action for those who have not heard of the 500 Trillion dollar law suit yet. It's for EVERY American citizen and will help establish a government that isn't corrupted to the very core. I'm sure it's obvious to you now, just how corrupt the governments are... not just in America but the entire world. Every place where there is a central bank there is corruption, period. There is much information out there regarding this topic.
Check out the Declaration and share it with everyone you know so they can join too! There's FULL transparency of this law suit and you can read every word on the 20 page court documents that are also available for you to download.
America First Policy Institute shows an excellent foundation rebuilding communities with experienced leadership ready to serve answering the call of duty for Country. Here's a transparent website that shows high promise for the direction in which we are moving forward, together as a species.
There's some pretty awesome things occurring for humanity! Take a look at their About page HERE. *This page has over 60 Leaders and their bios are all listed for your review. Also, super exciting, don't miss their PRIORITIES link up top, especially the Center for NEW FRONTIERS! (I can't make that print any bigger lol!
To keep it short, you need to fully grasp that star wars is real and we have had technology hidden from us for a VERY LONG TIME... but NO MORE! There's technology that's been kept from us for 300+ years!! Free energy, healing technology, anti-gravity, interplanetary travel, subterranean transit and all kinds of devices that can help humanity step into the Golden Age (more like a huge leap) and also take our rightful place at the table in the inter galactic communities.
Additionally, if you have been censored on social media or other internet platforms and want to join this class action law suit against Big Tech click HERE
Please share this article with your friends and family as they start to wake up and ask for more information. Hopefully this article will assist people in some way. The Golden Age is Dawning!!
I make no claims about these website or class action law suits. I am an official affiliate for Friends of the Original Constitution and all affiliates information can be transparently reviewed on their website regarding any remuneration in the future when the law suit is complete. I am sharing this and other information about credible sources I feel are important notifications to humanity. Therefore, this article and other information contained in the website TeachPeaceDesigns.com serves as a Right To Know and shall be left unaltered and publicly available without any distortions, suppression algorithms or hacks that would otherwise impeded the ability for anyone to view this notice with intent to inform. Visit Lynda Light to see all current Projects.
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About the AuthorLynda's article section was created to provide insights through personal experiences to assist those who wish for more information about the Ascension process currently underway as translated through her higher self and quantum soul integration. |
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Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025