6/4/2020 Reality Comes Crashing DownWhen the constructs of your reality come crashing down it can be a very painful experience. However, it can also be one of the most freeing feelings in the world akin to flying! It goes without saying you will either feel the free-fall sensations in all their glory on the way down the proverbial rabbit hole; or you may scream in pure terror out of some unsolved fear that's most likely connected to your fear of death. It may not be an 'either or' situation and you could be somewhere in the middle, as often the grey areas are glossed over or overlooked. Are you in free-fall motion right now? Have you had enough and want everything to just go back to 'normal'? Can you handle some intel that may rock your world? There are so many things happening on the stage of this 3D reality that it's hard to make sense of why it's all happening. One thing is certain: We are NEVER going back. We are traveling in an upward motion in the spiral of life. Trying to lay out what the ascension is and why it's happening in one short article would be impossible for any writer to properly convey. This is why I've been writing and sharing information for many years. There are many beings who have talked about these subjects throughout time. A big and necessary part for the ascension upwards in light means you're learning how to become the master of your own field. When you learn how to control your own energy you learn that thoughts are energy also. If you want to learn more about the ascension process and how to take control of your own energy, feel free to check out my book here. I wanted to share information about PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR if you've never heard of it before. What is this, you may ask? The short answer describes it as Quantum Grammar or Correct Sentence Structure Communication Parse Syntax Grammar. Doing your own research on this topic can give you a real headache as-well-as a real sense of being under-educated. I'd like to propose an analogy here: Just because you see something on the news, doesn't make it truth. Additionally, just because you see some courts claiming there's no legal basis, doesn't make it truth. Our courts have been operating on maritime and admiralty law and not constitutional law and this is all about to change. This is an entire subject for your own deep dive at another time. I'm going to provide you with links to give your dives some bounce. Start with War Castles video number 1. There are 10 that describe Russell's story and what he went through. See if this rings any truth within your heart. Information for Parse-Syntax Grammar and the story of :Russell-Jay: Gould. Click Here On another very interesting note, heavy speculation is surrounding the illegitimate Queen softly abdicating her throne. Does this parse-syntax grammar have anything to do with the new king? Did he file paperwork in quantum or are there other circumstances at play, or both perhaps? I've been deep diving this week and the more I learn, the more I learn that I have yet to learn. You'll probably be excited to hear that there is someone claiming to be the rightful heir to the throne. His story is absolutely amazing and full of prophecy and synchronicity. He's been through an incredible life and has been patiently waiting for his proper place or 'ascension' publicly to the throne [my words]. Meet the new King of England, Joseph Gregory Hallett and decide for yourself. There are two more parts to this video series so here are those links if you find this as fascinating as me! Part 2: Click Here Part 3: Click Here After watching the above series of interviews, you may want to learn even more. You can also visit his website directly to learn more HERE - or just go to Kingof.UK directly. Interestingly enough, here's an article with a very upset Cardinal claiming the title Vicar of Christ should not be now considered an historical title and said it should be in the 2020 edition next to the Popes names, as it's been in past issues. Click here to read this short article. So clearly the Pope isn't claiming that title anymore... wonder why? Here are some questions I would personally like to ask him: How will you rule differently than past kings and queens? Are you for the people? If so, what are the first few measures you will take to help the people? Does GESARA have anything to do with your titles and how that's implemented? What are his plans for ruling - what would you like to see happen in the next year? 2 years? Will you be leveling the playing field to help the most needy and when will everyone find out? When are you moving into the palace? Will you be visiting the USA? Are you a trained Lightworker? If you could speak to the entire world right now, what are your top 3 most important statements you would tell everyone? There are always rumors and false info and disinfo everywhere you look these days. I saw that someone called Joseph the anti-christ. FYI: Anti - meaning opposite of Ante - meaning in place of Just saying this because he claims to have been given the title Vicar of Christ from the Vatican. So let's talk about rumors for a minute. Here's an update by Judy Byington on Thursday 4 June, 2020. "Judy Note: At this writing it’s Wed. 3 June Midnight. No 800#s yet and Hillary didn’t show up to her court hearing. So, what’s new? What’s new was that we now have a full Military shutdown with nationwide stay at home orders for two weeks, with Mass Arrests beginning when you take you-know-what to the bank this weekend. Patience is a virtue, remember? Wed. 3 June midnight EDT was the deadline for Wells Fargo to release emails containing individually coded 800#s and a Safe Website where Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) could set redemption appointments – all pending POTUS and the RV teams working through events of the riots nationwide. Evidently they were still working on those riots. Though, a hint of what lay ahead was received early this morning Wed. 3 June when an email arrived from a trusted source with this shocker said to have come from Homeland Security and Military Contacts: “The Alliance is about to strike back. Expect full military shutdown in 48 to 72 hrs. Stay at home orders nationwide for two weeks. Combo operation to include Deep State arrests for Crimes Against Humanity – it’s what we have been waiting for.” Wed. 3 June Q drop #4388: Military – All Systems Go It never hurts to be prepared, folks. Things are definitely not what they seem and if you haven't checked recently, you just can't trust the news. We're NOT going back and we WILL win this thing and do what we came here to do, flip this planet!
Have trust there is a plan, you are safe and God always wins! Visit Lynda Light to see all current Projects.
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About the AuthorLynda's article section was created to provide insights through personal experiences to assist those who wish for more information about the Ascension process currently underway as translated through her higher self and quantum soul integration. |
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Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025 and in perpetuity.