For many years, I have been speaking about a plan to restore the Republic called NESARA. It was something I feel very passionate about and will continue spreading the news about what this is and how you can participate. Please share this information with as many people as you know (disclaimer at the end). There is a 17 minute video that explains what's going to happen and how the plan for NESARA/GESARA will unfold. The plan is brilliant and you should begin to see in the first 3 minutes of the video exactly how this will unfold. I invite you to click HERE * to watch and discern for yourselves.
Living through historical times is a gift and quite a precious gift for humanity. We are literally creating events that have never taken place in the human collective experience or timeline, ever before. We are restoring the Republic of the United States through Unity and enforcing our rights as We the People, to hold accountable those who wish to destroy our way of life and who have committed crimes against humanity. They will NOT succeed because we are creating the solution together in Unity. United we Stand! Here are some of the bullet points for what the law suit will include. This is not an ordinary law suit and will be given top priority in our Constitutional Courts (not their corrupt court systems) after we get enough signatures on the Declaration of Restoration - we need the majority in order to accomplish this goal! Please consider signing you name and become a Founder of our Declaration so we can have our Constitutional Convention. Contents of the Treasure for Citizens of the USA Convicted Defendants in the Lawsuit are excluded. $100K to each Adult $200K to 60M Small Businesses $200K to victims of foreclosure or eviction (since March 1st 2020) $625 Million to Big Businesses $500K to Whistleblowers $568M to Banks $23M to Private Lenders $1M to Farms $20K to SFH Organic Food Garden growers $100K to Restaurants $100K to Grocery Stores $200 to Natural Supplement Manufacturing Businesses $1M to Licensed Physicians $218K to Licensed Nurses $500K to Pharmacies $200K to Pharmacists $1B to 50 Inventors $1B to Generator companies $500B to NASA and the Top 100 Scientists $1M to K-12 Public or Private Schools $50M to Accredited Colleges or Universities $2.644M to Employees of CBS, ABC, NBC CNN, and FOX $4.855M to Employees of Google/YouTube, Facebook/Instagram and Twitter $625K to “Other” Employees i.e.: Hollywood/Mainstream Media/Internet News Platforms $100K to start an eligible business. $100K to Federal Employees $500 to Federal Judges $500K to State Judges $200K to Law Enforcement Officers $150K to Lawyers $150K to Accountants $40K paid for detox and wellness programs for those eligible $100B to those RNA/DNA Geneticist developers of an effective reversing agent to the DNA modifying COVID-19 vaccine(s) $400B to RNA/DNA Geneticists (above) to oversee the production and distribution of reversing agent on a worldwide scale. $1M to immediate family member of victims of the COVID-19 vaccine Those who Donate to this CC&C Movement = will receive 100 times/their donation back + 20% additional/donated through affiliate links. Here are some bullet points that this law suit and restoration of our Constitution will accomplish:
Thank you for reading and considering signing this Declaration of Restoration. You will be one of the Founders when you do and your signature will help us reach the magic number so we can have our Constitutional Convention! Let's get it done together! Click HERE to watch the 17 minute and decide for yourself. * I am an Approved Affiliate and will therefore, will receive compensation detailed in the law suit from anyone who donates through my links. Thank you in advance for using my links and sharing my article to anyone who needs to be informed. Visit Lynda Light to see all current Projects.
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About the AuthorLynda's article section was created to provide insights through personal experiences to assist those who wish for more information about the Ascension process currently underway as translated through her higher self and quantum soul integration. |
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Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025