2/16/2021 How Far is Far Enough?If you're part of this mass awakening and still scratching your heads saying, "what the hell is going on in our world?" not really sure why everything is so messed up, then you're not alone! Just like you're a multidimensional being, there are many layers hidden from (view) most of humanity. Did you really think you were getting the truth about the corruption from tell-lie-vision and the people committing the crimes against humanity, seriously? Spoiler ALERT: they're in on the propaganda! Since the courts won't actually look at the actual evidence being presented from all the voter fraud there will have to be audits and recounts. This will prove to unveil a lot of what's been happening. Will the military need to be involved since the courts are so corrupt?
Not sure about the military's involvement exactly (except that we are in a war) but never-the-less, be prepared for de-certifications of electoral votes from the many states including: Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, California, Michigan and more. Since there's major issues in these and other states such as: people voting more than once, more people voting than there are registered voters (you'd think that would raise some eyebrows - don't worry, it has...), people voting that aren't legal citizens (that's kind of a no-brainer), people voting that are DEAD... I mean, come on (serious no-brainer), that's all fraud and some have even argued, treason! It's always been my opinion that just because you don't like someone who's running for office doesn't give you or anyone the right to commit fraud or treason... sorry not sorry, if you lie, cheat, steal, mislead or worse because you don't like someone (or even yes, hate someone) then you need a serious adjustment to your personal ethics and basically your moral codes because I'm 100% sure (most of) you weren't taught that stealing, lying and cheating was the way to get what you want - and if you were brought up believing this, then I sympathize with you but that still doesn't give anyone the right to commit fraud or treason. NONE! I'm fairly sure that if everyone were to lie, steal and cheat to get what they wanted it would cause society in general to just collapse into the stone age of only the strong survive and take what you want because you want it - sorry but, NO! Pretty sure that's not gonna happen! Whatever happens as the world waits for truth to be revealed will be interesting to observe. I wonder how many people that identify as Democrat will be able to see though the lies that were literally spoon fed to them in their online feeds. We have been in a war and propaganda is all over the place. Even those who identify as Republicans have been fed a bunch of crap. This goes way beyond political groups. The major problem is that people 'identify' as ___ fill in the blank thus forgetting they are actually not their bodies but rather, sovereign spirits having a human experience. This subject is for another article all together. Doing your own research is majorly important and that includes digging into information the 'other side' is putting out there. I've done it myself or I wouldn't be suggesting you do it. It's healthy to see all perspectives and the reasons why each 'side' believes what they do. I still think it's super important to suspend your beliefs (or your disbeliefs) while doing your homework, research, rabbit hole reading... so you can actually use your critical thinking skills. If something doesn't make sense then find out why and form your own theories. If you simply accept what your feed tells you then you're going to be stuck there a very long time unfortunately, because you'll only see what is presented in your designated control group. Yes, you are in an experiment of many layers. I feel that if you're aware of this experiment then you have a good understanding of the fact that you are being sold to allllll the time. You are a consumer! You are being put into and out of computer algorithms (probably) multiple times per day! If that doesn't get your blood pressure rising then you haven't been paying attention and quite possibly, you're comfortable staying in denial allowing a larger machine to control what you think; and make no mistake, they want you to think you're free. Look over there, not over here... I don't know too many people that are ok with that, but there are a few I love and care about who are stuck in this mess and can't see the forest through the trees. I still believe the truth will come out and when it does, those who refuse to do their personal and unbiased research now are in for an epic and life-altering surprise that will really rock their entire belief structures... but we shall see as nobody seems to be holding their breath anymore. It's challenging to stay positive when peoples lives are being taken apart who are good people and on positive missions. I personally have been shadow-banned and trolled on YouTube since the spring of 2020 and was suspended on Twitter in the beginning of January 2021 (hadn't tweeted since the middle of October)! It seems the attacks towards those who are truthers are relentless, vicious and downright unwarranted. I was clearly on some list. Admittedly, I feel a bit of (healthy) pride when a bad person gets taken down publicly - and they deserve it for their horrible crimes against others - like children, for example. My issue is with the people who are selected (or put in charge not by fair voting but) by big money; and they make or help make the laws which govern our society. I have a BIG PROBLEM with that! Ever wonder why child molesters have gotten hardly any jail time or get to walk in a lot of cases? That's why Megan's Law happened and it was long overdue and still didn't do enough to protect our children in my humble opinion. Loving a child in a sexual way when you are an adult is NOT NORMAL nor will it EVER be normalized here on Earth. People that have had enough have been fighting back for several decades now (some much longer) to change laws but it's a LOT harder to change (or create) laws when you have corrupt people in those positions that favor their own pockets (or their pervert pedo friends). And these monsters are hiding in plain sight, we just haven't wanted to see them for what they truly are. In other words: The people in charge are the problem!!! This is the second year when some monsters have been put directly in front of you. Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates are only a few of the big names. Think of celebrities who are very outspoken about the vaccines or simply speaking using compliance guilt tactics. It's crazy that anyone would listen to liars (msm) who only spew and regurgitate (Project Mockingbird) the narrative that's been handed to them along with a nice, big, fat check! (hint: always follow the money) Do you seriously believe handing in your critical thinking skills in exchange for listening to these mobster criminals who operate in cartels spanning the globe and who sell, torture, molest, rape, brutalize, traffic and sacrifice children are even worthy of one second of YOUR attention? When down those deep rabbit holes, it should make you sick to even look at pics of these people so why would you listen to them day after day? Simple Solution: SHUT OFF YOUR TV! I'll be honest here: I believe we might not be getting the full disclosure and release of full truth we've been promised and I'll tell you why I believe 'this possibility' now... It's a matter of why so many (guilty) are allowed to walk the streets. Yes, they could be on house arrest. But yes, that could also be an untruth thrown at us to keep us down in the trenches waiting endlessly for someone or something else to save us. We are the ones we've been waiting for - to do what, exactly? Did we come here to experience heaven on earth? Then get working and create it... Did we come here to stand up for our fellow humans? Then stand up... Did we come here to fight for injustices? Then continue fighting... Did we come here to help heal the planet? Then heal her... Did we come here to help heal the human race? Then heal yourself first, please heal yourself... Did you come here to share or hoard? Do you intend to BE an example or have an example made out of you? The truly scary part is when plain sight shows something isn't right; people ignore it because there has been so much invested in their group think the system will rightfully implode when these people finally see the programming for what it is... control and division (so the controllers can make more money...) MONEY MONEY MONEY That's all they worship! Lip service should count in this way only when doing your research: Who does what they say they will do? Who doesn't? Look at facts and look at the records, not what others are saying are facts. When you are able to suspend your beliefs so you can properly investigate the other "side" you may be able to see that you're in a forest and this experiment has gone on far too long. We have been sold and profiting on for far too long and those toying with us NEED to be held accountable for their outright crimes against humanity. I believe it's starting to cross over into the area where an uprising will not be able to be held back. Is this what's coming? Time will tell... Visit Lynda Light to see all current Projects.
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About the AuthorLynda's article section was created to provide insights through personal experiences to assist those who wish for more information about the Ascension process currently underway as translated through her higher self and quantum soul integration. |
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