11/8/2018 Dreams are the Key to Your Inner ChildWhen you follow your dreams do you feel you must sacrifice other areas of your life in order to do so? Do you ever feel like you're just going through the motions wondering what's the point to everything? Have you discovered this reality to be the actual dream reality yet? Do you remember your nightly travels? Seems like some very different topics but what if they're all related? It's a shame people are so drained these days after coming home from work. They often just want to relax and unwind. And who can blame anyone for wanting to do that? I love to take time for myself and have a healthy dose of R&R. I actually consider this a requirement for a healthy balance. But it's very easy to get stuck in either work or relaxation mode.
We all go through it. Sometimes it's seasonal. Sometimes it seems to cycle with the moon. Sometimes it's just about what's going on in our daily lives or around the world. I go through periods of wanting nothing more than to just rest - when the weight of the world feels too heavy to go on. I love binge watching Netflix. I love sleeping in and not having to wake up to a loud and obnoxious alarm... who doesn't? We need those rest periods but they aren't supposed to be all the time, night after night in front of the TV, computer or smart phone. Finding extra time to do the things I wanted to set in motion was a huge challenge the first time I ever tried back in my twenties with four young children. I had many late nights writing, editing and teaching myself HTML code back when the Internet was just getting started. I was hungry to learn and was a sponge back then. Like Elon Musk recently said on twitter, life was much simpler back when (he) was a sponge. I had a new plan. Well, not really a plan but I had inspiration from my oldest son who unfortunately and most surprisingly, crossed over to the other side in March of this year. This time, I was going 'all-in' with a life long passion... Art and energy healing - combined! This was finally my life's work all coming together. Why didn't I see this before? Because everything unfolds exactly when it's supposed to. My plan was one thing, but there was a much larger plan under it all - it's called Divine Timing. My son has been making sure I'm well aware that he's still very much alive. I visit him in my nightly travels. Not as often as I wish but never-the-less, he is in a place I know is very real. It even feels MORE REAL than this reality. If you can understand that, then you probably have experienced this place as well. I write in other places about dream travels and visiting non-ordinary reality. For now, ordinary reality is being defined as basically this physical 3rd density world. Everything else is considered non-ordinary reality for simplicity. In my other writings I describe how travel outside your physical body is a very real thing. Your mind is most definitely not playing tricks on you. At night when your body fall asleep, you can go out and about traveling to other realities where other parts of yourself are inhabiting - located all over this multi-verse. Travel does have its limits but you can and do, pop into your other aspects' consciousness. Sometimes you can remember your dreams, sometimes you can't. Some people claim they can't or don't dream. This is false. Everyone dreams. Not everyone remembers. If you are dependent on any substances or medications you may have a more difficult time with recalling your memories. There are several other reasons why people have memory blocks but some medications can be a problem while others can reportedly induce very strange dreams. If you are serious about recalling your nightly travels, then there's plenty of actions you can take to make this discipline a fun journey of self discovery. When my son started making appearances in my dreams after he crossed over, it seemed no different than ordinary reality. I have always dreamed with him and my other children so it all seemed quite normal but very welcomed. When I first realized (over 'there' in non-ordinary reality) that he had died (over 'here' in ordinary reality), it was very strange because I knew 'over there' that this 'life' here, was only a dream! I KNEW IT with every part of me! This is not the first time I've been in non-ordinary reality and known 'this life' to be a dream. However, this was the first time "over there" dreaming with my son, that I realized it. In that dream I was with all my children, including my oldest. Why was nobody talking about the elephant in the room, I thought. I said to him, "But James, you died over there!" as if I was revealing some big secret. He just looked at me with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, I did." I thought he didn't understand what I was saying so naturally, I repeated it with more emphasis. He answered me again and this time I felt my arms, I felt my body and I knew it to be a very, VERY real place; and I knew our lives (here) were more like a game. Over there, he was simply out of 'the game' we call human life on Earth. You can call it a school but if you try to think of life more as a game, I promise it's better. Who has fun in school? Games are fun. Life is supposed to be fun. We have lost something along the way. We need to remember how to have fun again. If we all just live life fearing death then it's not fully possible to have fun, now is it? You're afraid you're going to die and I ask you, WHY? Death is a doorway and when times' up, it's up! Death is the door for you to leave this body and return to who you truly are - the much bigger part of you that decided to come down here and play this Earth game. If you choose to pay money to go into a game (like a session of paint ball, or time on the bouncy bounce blow up thing, or an VR game) and the person in charge sets the timer, you don't know exactly when times up because you are fully immersed in your game or session. You still chose to go into the game with a full knowing that the purpose was to fully experience it, have fun and enjoy it! When life is a game things change. It's all perspective. We start to reconnect with our inner child again. That child has been told by the world it needs to stay locked up in some dingy closet to stay safe... 'because the world is a cruel and dangerous place'. I'm calling bullshit! Pardon my language. This world is a wondrous place. It was meant for us to explore, to have fun. We are supposed to do things and fail forward so we can learn. Not to stay locked up in our closets hiding from everyone and everything that could possibly hurt us. Do we get hurt? Darn right we do! Does that mean we don't try things another way? Heck no! Why give up? If giving up means I have to sleep in all the time and binge watch TV every night, then I may as well just leave now. There's no point to wasting my life when I can actually be living it, making mistakes, getting back up and allowing myself to get hurt again. Why allow myself to get hurt, again? Certainly not because I enjoy it but because that's how we learn and grow. If you have something you want to do, try, experience, try again another way... why not just do it? Every single person came here with unique gifts to share. Every. Single. Person. What are you doing with you gifts? How are you pursuing your dreams - something you are passionate about? Even if you have to initially make some sleep adjustments (e.g. going to bed later to have 'more time'), it's definitely worth it and you can do it! Think about what your purpose is (what you are passionate about) and you will find all you need to get on (or back on) your path. Learning gives you knowledge. I received a fortune from a cookie once that said, "It's not what you know but what you use of what you know that matters" and I carry it around with me to this day. It reminds me to stay hungry for knowledge. The more you use your knowledge the more experienced you get. The more experienced you get the more your knowledge ages into wisdom. Making life a game requires an inner hunger to do better. No matter how bad life seems, (believe me I'm speaking from experience) no matter how BAD it gets... you can always find joy in little gestures and actions that require no money and no status. This requires the heart of your inner child. Set them free from that dingy inner-closet and find out for yourself! If you're feeling like you got the crap beat out of you recently, perhaps its time to make a move off that couch and take a break from the boob tube. I promise, your shows can be watched at a later time - or not at all if you're really going for it. You have something to do before your time is up! We all do... Sometimes you just need a break from the matrix constructs that tell you you SHOULD do this, or you SHOULD do that. Stop "should-ing" all over yourself and free your mind. You are a sovereign being and you can claim that freedom again by taking actions by choice instead of responding with reactions and conditioning ('should-ing'). If you decide to start the discipline of recalling your nightly travels which can help you immensely in pursuing your dreams (here), get a journal - or recording device if you don't want to write. Say out loud, that you WILL remember your dreams multiple times before bed and as you're drifting off to sleep. Set your intention. Most importantly, upon awakening be still for a few moments and ask your self these questions multiple times.... before your ego mind takes over... 1) Where was I just at? 2) What was I just doing? 3) What was I just feeling? This works even if you don't initially remember. Don't let your monkey mind tell you "ahh you never remember..." just say those 3 questions again and let it go. If you make a decision to do this as a discipline, you will see results and when a memory pops up, it will typically be like a screenshot. You got it now! Then you ask yourself, "Where was I coming from or where was I just at prior to___ (insert the screenshot memory and let the memories expand - and they will)___?" I personally use this technique when I wake with little to no memory and they always come back before I finish in the bathroom. I actually spend between 15-30 minutes every morning writing down my dreams. And it helps me navigate my time here. I get a lot of information from non-ordinary reality and it really does help me integrate my higher self and pursue my dreams in this reality. Anyone can do this. I'm gifting you my best technique for dream recall when you don't automatically have it upon awakening. Use it well. Treat it with respect. I take dream work very seriously and have been actively practicing for 29 years! People ask me all the time about dream work. It's taken me a long time to develop this simple technique that really works. I hope it helps anyone who wants to remember their dreams and start active participation in non-ordinary reality. I'll leave you with another one of my favorite sayings after speaking my truth tonight... Knowledge is knowing what to say and Wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it. Sweet Dream! Peace, Love and Blessings! Visit Lynda Light to see all current Projects.
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About the AuthorLynda's article section was created to provide insights through personal experiences to assist those who wish for more information about the Ascension process currently underway as translated through her higher self and quantum soul integration. |
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