Teach Peace Through Self-Empowerment
Truth is Quantum: This section will be directing you to our NEW Quantum Library!! Check it out!
LOADS of resources across a multitude of topics for all the Spiritual Warriors, Light Workers and more...
LOADS of resources across a multitude of topics for all the Spiritual Warriors, Light Workers and more...
Our Foundation: will be established to create, build and assist with sustainability so people who've been abused, taken advantage of, stolen from and long forgotten can heal and then thrive, not just survive. If a system is corrupt, it MUST GO! Many other projects in areas of Healing and Retreat Centers for those needing healing; Housing Projects, especially our vets and homeless in most need; Education in many areas of concern, but is not limited to: Elderly Care, Homeless Assistance, Job Creation, Health, Nutrition, Sustainability, the Law of the Land, the Environment, Energy Work (all modalities such as Yoga, Reiki, Tai Chi, Quantum Modalities, etc.) and so much more... NO soul left behind!
Ascension Maps: An ongoing project that is a living, evolving roadmap for your multidimensional journey and ascension. This is an interactive and quantum hub for your personal Soul Journey. It infuses SWS Podcast (all episodes now available in The Quantum Library for a one-time donation for your lifelong, ALL-ACCESS PASS) as the base 9 component of topics; and uses quantum washing for light code delivery which then activate with your Soul alignments.
It's impossible to describe this journey so take a moment and take a peek, it's FREE to take the entire online journey, considered a Gift For Humanity and has no sign-ups, no commitments (except to Your Self;) and no contract or memberships.... sharing is caring!
It's impossible to describe this journey so take a moment and take a peek, it's FREE to take the entire online journey, considered a Gift For Humanity and has no sign-ups, no commitments (except to Your Self;) and no contract or memberships.... sharing is caring!
Quantum Jewelry: Lynda is creating light-encoded jewelry made in the quantum state to assist with healing, protection and returning to wholeness. Only seasonal and occasional work will be done on this project when Soul speaks and wishes to create in this realm.
Security Defense Course: Timely course Lynda created to assist anyone on the awakened and empowered path. This mini course contains a lecture on important foundational principles about your consciousness and then a full presentation to assist you setting up and upgrading your personal security systems and more.
Click HERE to read all about what you'll learn in this course, what others are saying and watch a free video to check out my teaching style before donating for this course, and how to get instant on-demand access right away!
Click HERE to read all about what you'll learn in this course, what others are saying and watch a free video to check out my teaching style before donating for this course, and how to get instant on-demand access right away!
Mudra in Motion: Unique course Lynda is refining and developing that will teach you how to use organic light technology (within your own body) to access plasmic light (aka 'the force') for specific intentions.
Think: Tai Chi, Chi Gong, and Martial Arts, combined with holographic and multidimensional sight... now you're getting it!
It can be used for self control, self defense, offense, healing, balance, personal quantum training, Mastery and for gridwork creations and enhancements, among other purposes.
Visit: MudraInMotion.com
Think: Tai Chi, Chi Gong, and Martial Arts, combined with holographic and multidimensional sight... now you're getting it!
It can be used for self control, self defense, offense, healing, balance, personal quantum training, Mastery and for gridwork creations and enhancements, among other purposes.
Visit: MudraInMotion.com
Symposium for All Benevolent Races: CLICK HERE was held on Sunday, January 23, 2022. It's NOT time sensitive and is available on-demand for a nominal donation.
Check out the professional trailer from Lightfeather Productions: HERE
* When you make a one-time donation for our NEW Quantum Library ALL ACCESS PASS, you can watch the entire Symposium (all 4 parts) for free! Click HERE to get your ALL ACCESS PASS!
Check out the professional trailer from Lightfeather Productions: HERE
* When you make a one-time donation for our NEW Quantum Library ALL ACCESS PASS, you can watch the entire Symposium (all 4 parts) for free! Click HERE to get your ALL ACCESS PASS!
Featured: Mini Course Presentation: click to register:
What Are The Grids and Why We Work on Them: This course is actually a foundational piece of ancient information needed when learning how to navigate using your consciousness. The facts discussed regarding the energy grid networks are vital pieces of information not taught in most schools on this planet. We need to change that and it all begins with the willingness to learn.
What Are The Grids and Why We Work on Them: This course is actually a foundational piece of ancient information needed when learning how to navigate using your consciousness. The facts discussed regarding the energy grid networks are vital pieces of information not taught in most schools on this planet. We need to change that and it all begins with the willingness to learn.
Holy Bird Tribe: This project is a community of like-minded people who either lead their own tribes and projects, or are here to participate in some way and are invited guests. Some of the New Earth Ground Crew Leadership came together for the council meetings held via Zoom during the Autumn season in 2020. You can watch all of them in our NEW Quantum Library HERE after a one-time donation to help with rising website costs.
Your Library Pass is for Life and is an ALL-Access PASS!
Your Library Pass is for Life and is an ALL-Access PASS!
The 144 Round Table: This project was a limited time panel discussion with four individuals from the Holy Bird Tribe where we discussed, theorized and hypothesized current world events; while the rest of the world was digesting some cold, hard truths about their reality and learning about those who were actually in control.
Available for anyone to watch for free in our NEW Quantum Library after a one-time donation to help with rising website costs. Click HERE
Your Library Pass is for Life and is an ALL-Access PASS!
Available for anyone to watch for free in our NEW Quantum Library after a one-time donation to help with rising website costs. Click HERE
Your Library Pass is for Life and is an ALL-Access PASS!
Projects for Humanity - The process is never what you expect and WONDERFUL TIMES are indeed within reach! Never before have we been able to feel so much anticipation for many great rectifications after the great reveal of truth worldwide... of course this will absolutely translate to the greatest healing period ever experienced on Earth!
Projects for Humanity are already underway but after the global financial corrections and rectifications which will be massive, the majority of projects that everyday Earth citizens will begin rolling out will forever be engraved in our hearts as we help humanity up and out of this horrid time loop which constantly denies them of their true birthrights and enslaves them without informed consent.
Projects for Humanity are already underway but after the global financial corrections and rectifications which will be massive, the majority of projects that everyday Earth citizens will begin rolling out will forever be engraved in our hearts as we help humanity up and out of this horrid time loop which constantly denies them of their true birthrights and enslaves them without informed consent.
Click HERE to be part of the solution and sign up for the class action law suit for the crimes against humanity.
NESARA/GESARA is becoming our reality!
Slow do the wheels of justice turn; but TURN, they do!
NESARA/GESARA is becoming our reality!
Slow do the wheels of justice turn; but TURN, they do!
Just remember: "You can't know and appreciate a great meal until you've had a horrible one" ~ Lynda Light
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Fair Use is granted permission for sharing content with others on your personal site but must include proper references or citations linking to it's creator and owner.
Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED to the fullest extent of the Law.
Fair Use is granted permission for sharing content with others on your personal site but must include proper references or citations linking to it's creator and owner.
Teach Peace Designs, Ascension Maps, Sacred Warrior Space, Mudra In Motion, Holy Bird Tribe, Truth is Quantum, Trusting Your Soul, Remember World Peace and all it's contents, and all works connected to all stated and not stated; are protected under Common Law Trademark and Copyright; and are also Protected by Galactic, Divine and Universal Laws. All writings, artwork, logos, trademarks (marked and not marked), copy, content and all extension of these bodies of work contained in this website and to third party extensions and platforms maintaining creations under these names; are original works and solely owned by their Creator, Lynda Light and Teach Peace Designs with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND PROTECTED 2025